Shifting a Paradigm and Creating a New Global Standard.

Introducing Gel Dynamics’ AFC Balancers. The only fully dynamic and continuous wheel balancing solution destined to reshape the trucking industry while contributing to a greener planet.
Order today.

Gel Dynamics’ AFC Balancers® is a remarkably simple, cost-effective, and paradigm-shifting wheel balancing solution. We’re launching in the truck and bus categories before moving to automobile solutions.

AFC Balancers use a patented technology called Adaptive Force Compensation® (AFC) which incorporating proprietary thixotropic (“visco-elastic”) gel. AFC Visco Gel’s remarkable properties vacillate between elastic (near-solid) and viscous (near-liquid) states depending on the applied stress and frequency. The Gels remain stable in the minimum vibration configuration delivering active and continuous wheel balancing, making obsolete all previous forms of wheel balancing – an ingenious solution for an industry in great need of cost savings.

AFC Balancers substantially reduce rolling resistance, significantly improving fuel economy and extending tire life while completely eliminating traditional balancing. Previously tested and validated, AFC Balancers deliver dramatic savings in fuel, tire, and labor costs.

The revolution is here. To order, please use the contact form below. We will follow up.


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